Monday, 13 February 2012

::I MIsS Him::

saje post sbb rsa mcm lama sangt xjmpa si dia *padahal baru 2 mngu je kot.*ha. lately ni masing2 suk pulun keje,sayang nk amik cuti..xper insyallah sume urusan kita dipermudahkanNya...aminnnn..
so disebabkan xder nk wat pe nk bg hilang rndu aku buh gmbr ni as my desktop background..emrm puas hati tgk sampai juling..hehe * I LoVe You*

::xpuas lagi xtaw la nk kata pe kan!..suke sangt2::

::My BFF Big Day!::

hi! last week i enjoyed my long holiday spending time swif my BFF during schoolmatess..ada yang tunang, kawin n ader gak yng still single..he.xpe masih ada masa lagi kan nk cari pasangan..sangt teruja masa dpt jumpa mmber2 expesially dari convent...wahh sampai mkcik2 kat meja tu pun terkejut n heran..betui2 wat havoc malas nk cita pjg just tgk ape gmbr yang ader n photoshoot kami sendirian berhad...memang suma kaki pose!

:: My BFF since form 1,1 married,3 dah jadi tunangan org..cming soon=)::

:: haha,candid muka i yang tembam!::

:: LOve the design!::

:: you should see how they make this shoot nicer!=)::
 :: wif pengantin Niswatul Husna..cngrates dear!::

:: wif pengantin Dr. Aqilah Salha::
::Ngan pengntin SHida n Acong::

oke dah dah masuk photoshoot outdoor kami sndiri..haha.mula2 plan nk g ngn pengntin2 last ish lmbt bebenor diorang ni so kamila yang pgi outdoor sndiri2..gila sangt2 kot..

:: ni tmpat wajib lepaking kami...Mc'D..we luv it!::
p/s;melantak lagi kan padahal dah hentam 3 kenduri dah..adoii mana xtmbam..
:: mIss dis school so much! bnyak story nih=)::

so at the end mngu yang sangt bz ngan kenduri mmbr2 smpai trus demam..haa xper at least i enjoyed every moment with you event will be Shida's engagement! cngratulations in advance dear! =)

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

::Minggu Serabut::

haaaaaa.....for the past 2 weeks memang rasa penat badan sangt2.. nk jdi cerita my closest uncle which i used to call him pktam was admitted in hospital due to some cases...ha, sangt luluh hati tgk dia than sakit...rndu akan gelak tawa paktam..on the nite before we met him...he was so excited to choose for my wedding invitation card and we promised to go to see my wedding dress...ha i was so surprised when i received call from my cousin early in the morning the next day saying that his father was struggling in pain..oh God,please save my uncle,we still need him to be aside us..his children is really need him..Kindly please cure my uncle..i cannot stand anymore with this situation, do not hve any idea what's his children's feelings.i must be hard to accept it but we have to strong and continuously pray for his safety...

tu la,lau dah sedih geram suma mula la dah speaking.ha. so nk jdi cerita lately ni there's no weekend for me..i utilized my weekend with my lovely cousins and visited him at Hospital Ipoh..alhamdulillah, the latest new i heard my uncle has been transferred to normal ward. in other word his is in stable condition and it may takes time for him to cure slowly..but it doesnt matter,as well as he is not in was so scary being there!

aper2 pun alhamdulillah. Thanks to Allah because He still give us some time to be together back..insyallah i am sure paktam will be cure soon..let's pray for coming bcak to my title.mngu ni memang agak serabut..arrange sana sini merata alamm..waaa nanti bulan 2 lagi tmbh2 bz, fully utilized tuk germany trainee..aduhh continuosly plak tu.. bulan 3 nanti dah block tuk training kat luar..1.seronok training kat luar, jmpa ramai org n pling pnting xyah duk kat ofis.he.2.penat jugak sebb berderet2 traing len2 tmpat tp xperla ape nk wat at least kuar skit dari ofis tu..amik udara luar.=)

yang nk tmbh lagi serabut, dis week dah setle utility bills suma..i thought everything dha setle la..tgk2 dah 2 hari bill xupdated and celcom duk keep sending me sms saying that i xbayar bill.ha mana xhangin. mlm ke x ke aku trus call custmer service cntre..ha ni nk cita ape yang jdi masa call tdi.FYI, dah dekat 10 kali call xdpt2 smpai penat tgn pegang fon

Me : hi slmt petng cik.sya bla2...*introduce myself as usual*..then i have i thing just nk clarify ngan celcom.i dah way payment dah dekat 2 hari kenapa xupdate2 lagi yerk..??
CS: owh cmtu ye cik.xpe bagi num akaun cik sume saya cek..*masa ni polite la lagi kan sbb aku xhangin lagi*
CS: cmni cik saya dah cek slalunya ikut prosuder lau cik byar kat kiosk payment akan diupdate dlm stgah jam.lau xupdte boleh call kami untuk saya cek..(dlam hati hangin jugak sedap ckap padahal aku dah kene 2 hari xupdate2 ape case & ni bukan kali pertama kene.bulan2 lepas ni pun duk asyik xupdate jer)
Me : ok lau cmtu kenapa asyik saya nyer number je asyik ader masalah penat la mcm ni,i dh deakat tiap2 bulan mcm ni.xkan ur side xder wat improvement kot...*tetiba line putus2,ada ke patut dia suh call len sbb lne xclear padahal dia xtau aku call dekat 10 kali da ni...*
CS : line cik mmng malang kot asyik kene jer.*aduh lagi aku hngin dia ckap cmni*..duk bla2....malas nk layan sbb xdengr pun..yang xtahan dia leh tanya cik tgal mana,dah mkn ke,wat per??aduihh ni mmg ada added value nyer keje ker?? ****

Me : watever n speechless nk kata pe sebb terlmpau geram..!

kesimpulannya aku reply perkhidmatan tidak memuaskan thru sms pas centre ada anta tuk feedback..bukan niat nk jtuhkan budak tu, but he should be professional kan..cmne leh jadi CS lau xpolite and sesuka hati ckap je mcm ckap ngan girlfren!bengong betull

jangan sampai lau dah thap hangin tertinggi, sume line aku barred.

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